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. 2016 Feb 20;222(1):61–70. doi: 10.1007/s00429-016-1200-6

Table 3.

Brain regions exhibiting a significant correlation between rGMD and HBS score

Brain region R/L x y z TFCE Corrected
P value (FWE)
Cluster size
(k E)
PMC L −30 8 42 1195 0.010* 1580 0.173
DMPFC L −12 51 34 1182 0.011*
DLPFC L −26 33 45 1157 0.013*
DLPFC R 32 27 27 1261 0.008* 435 0.132
DLPFC R 42 33 34 1198 0.010*
DLPFC R 50 36 28 1160 0.012*
aMCC R 5 12 37 1186 0.011* 826 0.095
aMCC R 5 21 30 1184 0.011*
aMCC R 8 6 49 1175 0.012*

DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DMPFC dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, FWE family-wise errors, HBS hostile behaviors subscale, aMCC anterior midcingulate cortex, L left, PMC premotor cortex, R right, rGMD regional gray matter density, TFCE threshold-free cluster enhancement

* P < 0.05, two-tailed, FWE corrected