Figure 3.
Evidence of type II hypersensitivity mechanisms in the pituitary gland of the autopsy case. A: CD68 staining showing the marked infiltration of the gland with macrophages. The inset shows at high power a single macrophage with prominent vacuolated cytoplasm. B: High power view of prolactin staining to show that the positivity is found almost exclusively inside the cytosol of macrophages. C: Binding of IgG2 immunoglobulins to pituitary endocrine cells (arrow) of the case. The inset shows at the same magnification the absence of staining for IgG1. D: Deposition of complement C4d on some pituitary endocrine cells (arrow) and endothelial cells (arrowheads) of the case. The inset shows the absence of Cd4 deposition in a control pituitary. Scale bars: 100 μm (A); 20 μm (B and C); 50 μm (D). Original magnification: ×40 (A, main image); ×260 (A, inset, B, and C, main image and inset); ×160 (D, main image and inset).