Figure 3. Illustration of parallel R-C circuit and optimization of control energy.
(a) A cascade parallel R-C circuit with L = 7 resistors (R1, R2, …, and RL, each of resistance 1Ω) and 7 capacitors (C1, C2, …, and CL, each of capacitance 1F). External voltage input u(t) is applied from the left side of the circuit, and the voltage of capacitor Ci is ui(t)(1 ≤ i ≤ L). An extra external current input ie(t) serves as a redundant control input injected into the capacitor C3, where i3 and i4 denote the currents through resistors R3 and R4, respectively. In absence of the extra current input, i3(t) − i4(t) is the current through the branch of C3. (b) Network representation of the circuit in (a) as a bidirectional 1D chain network of seven nodes, where the external voltage input u(t) is injected into node 1 (yellow driver node, the controller). The dynamical state of node i is described by the voltage of its capacitor, ui(t). Links (blue) between nodes are bidirectional and have uniform weight 1 in either direction. Each node has a self-link (red) of weight −2, except the ending node (node 7) whose self-link has weight −1. The extra external current input ie(t) serves as a redundant control input injected into node 3 of the network in (b). Now there are two driver nodes (yellow) in the network, nodes 1 and 3. (c) Energy required for controlling a unidirectional chain (red circle) and the corresponding circuit (blue square) as well as the dissipated energy (green triangle) of the circuit calculated from Eq. (4) versus chain length L. (d) Control and dissipated energies in presence of a redundant control signal to node i (i > 1), which breaks the chain into two subchains of lengths i and L − i, respectively.