Figure 2. Bayesian inference (BI) phylogeny of the Dysosma versipellis-pleiantha complex based on cpDNA (trnL‒trnF, trnL‒ndhJ, trnS‒trnfM) sequences with the remaining Dysosma species treated as part of the ingroup and Podophyllum peltatum and Sinopodophyllum hexandrum as outgroups.
Posterior probabilities (PP > 0.50) and maximum likelihood (ML) bootstrap values (>50%) are sequentially indicated above the branches. Colored branches identify major haplotype lineages (west, central-east, east) within the species complex. Symbols following the haplotype numbers indicate the species bearing this haplotype. Nodes of interest are marked as A–G, while the corresponding beast-derived age estimates (including their 95% HPD intervals) are shown in Supplementary Table S3.