Table 1.
Genetic diversity indices for the P. margaritifera populations sampled
Population | n | Source | N eLD [95% C.I.] | A | Ar (<5%) | H o (± SD) | H n.b. (± SD) | F is (p < 0.01) | Av. MLH (± SD) | HL (± SD) | SH (± SD) | IR (± SD) |
Australia Abrolhos Island | 50 | Farm (hatchery) | 9.3 [9.3 – 9.4] | 1.5649 | 0.5446 | 0.0748 (±0.1244) | 0.1655 (±0.1924) | 0.5542 | 0.0914 (±0.0115) | 0.8592 (±0.0174) | 1.0682 (±0.1457) | 0.5765 (±0.0516) |
Australia GBR | 35 | Wild | ∞ [∞ – ∞] | 1.7603 | 0.3822 | 0.0762 (±0.0995) | 0.2005 (±0.1771) | 0.6265 | 0.0877 (±0.0044) | 0.8618 (±0.0073) | 1.0189 (±0.0567) | 0.5737 (±0.0222) |
Cook Islands | 45 | Farm (wild origin) | 1684.7 [1475.1 – 1963.3] | 1.6256 | 0.4984 | 0.0728 (±0.1092) | 0.1722 (±0.1854) | 0.5830 | 0.0868 (±0.0114) | 0.8655 (±0.0179) | 1.0066 (±0.1398) | 0.5888 (±0.0523) |
Fiji Islands | 61 | Farm (wild origin) | 232.4 [229.9 – 234.9] | 1.7934 | 0.3895 | 0.0929 (±0.1151) | 0.1991 (±0.1758) | 0.5372 | 0.1030 (±0.0306) | 0.8370 (±0.0475) | 1.2189 (±0.3905) | 0.5050 (±0.1366) |
French Polynesia | 50 | Farm | 299.5 [293.4 – 305.9] | 1.7208 | 0.4334 | 0.0718 (±0.1002) | 0.1883 (±0.1814) | 0.6236 | 0.0844 (±0.0091) | 0.8687 (±0.0145) | 0.9777 (±0.1132) | 0.5965 (±0.0416) |
Indonesia | 48 | Wild | 1036.3 [972.6 – 1108.9] | 1.8067 | 0.3635 | 0.0806 (±0.1027) | 0.2054 (±0.1739) | 0.6121 | 0.0925 (±0.0137) | 0.8543 (±0.0215) | 1.0816 (±0.1730) | 0.5568 (±0.0633) |
Iran | 49 | Wild | 767.8 [693.1 – 860.3] | 1.4402 | 0.7757 | 0.0371 (±0.0858) | 0.1187 (±0.1795) | 0.7008 | 0.0520 (±0.0039) | 0.9378 (±0.0056) | 0.5830 (±0.0445) | 0.8127 (±0.0145) |
Papua New Guinea | 38 | Wild | 199.9 [196.3 – 203.8] | 1.7632 | 0.3774 | 0.0732 (±0.0967) | 0.2007 (±0.1769) | 0.6410 | 0.0847 (±0.0034) | 0.8661 (±0.0061) | 0.9800 (±0.0399) | 0.5884 (±0.0152) |
Solomon Islands | 50 | Wild | 119.8 [118.9 – 120.8] | 1.8001 | 0.3748 | 0.0859 (±0.1077) | 0.2019 (±0.1739) | 0.5790 | 0.0965 (±0.0211) | 0.8471 (±0.0336) | 1.1374 (±0.2709) | 0.5323 (±0.0964) |
Taiwan | 24 | Wild | ∞ [∞ – ∞] | 1.7098 | 0.3830 | 0.0741 (±0.1035) | 0.2021 (±0.1830) | 0.6433 | 0.0859 (±0.0050) | 0.8643 (±0.0080) | 0.9947 (±0.0648) | 0.5864 (±0.0230) |
Tanzania (Mafia Island) | 35 | Wild | ∞ [∞ – ∞] | 1.4462 | 0.6369 | 0.0410 (±0.0878) | 0.1296 (±0.1840) | 0.6964 | 0.0553 (±0.0060) | 0.9290 (±0.0083) | 0.6149 (±0.0715) | 0.7910 (±0.0215) |
Tanzania (Mtwara) | 20 | Wild | ∞ [∞ – ∞] | 1.3934 | 0.6485 | 0.0427 (±0.0951) | 0.1256 (±0.1871) | 0.6795 | 0.0557 (±0.0083) | 0.9285 (±0.0108) | 0.6206 (±0.0994) | 0.7898 (±0.0299) |
Tonga | 28 | Wild | 120.8 [118.7 – 122.8] | 1.6995 | 0.4062 | 0.0775 (±0.1076) | 0.1954 (±0.1828) | 0.6119 | 0.0889 (±0.0104) | 0.8594 (±0.0171) | 1.0404 (±0.1326) | 0.5714 (±0.0493) |
Vietnam | 47 | Wild | 681.5 [651.7 – 714.2] | 1.8016 | 0.3587 | 0.0775 (±0.0994) | 0.2060 (±0.1737) | 0.6281 | 0.0892 (±0.0135) | 0.8592 (±0.0215) | 1.0378 (±0.1706) | 0.5723 (±0.0616) |
The parameters calculated include the effective population size by the linkage disequilibrium method (N eLD; 95% confidence intervals indicated within brackets), mean number of alleles per locus (A), rare allelic richness at (Ar, MAF <5%), observed heterozygosity (H o), average expected heterozygosity corrected for population sample size (H n.b.), inbreeding coefficient (F is), average individual multi-locus heterozygosity (Av. MLH), homozygosity by locus (HL), standardised heterozygosity (SH) and internal relatedness (IR)