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. 2016 Nov-Dec;29(4):240–245. doi: 10.1590/0102-6720201600040007

TABLE 4. Comparison between the groups formed by preoperative imaging .

Criteria (imaging) Mean SD n p 1° Quartil Mediana n p
Size of the larger nodule* (pathology) 0,004 0,004
Downstaging 36,28A 18,82 29 23,00 35,00 29
MC 27,77B 13,34 352 20,00 25,00 352
MBC 24,72B 9,36 33 20,00 22,00 33
Nodules >2 cm (pathology) 0,118 0,118
Downstaging 1,21 0,68 29 1,00 1,00 29
MC 0,97 0,72 352 1,00 1,00 352
MBC 1,21 1,17 33 0,50 1,00 33
Nodule total number (pathology) <0,001 <0,001
Downstaging 2,38 1,52 29 1,00 2,00 29
MC 2,03B 1,52 352 1,00 1,00 352
MBC 3,48A 2,50 33 2,00 3,00 33

p=descriptive level of the Kruskal-Wallis test; (A) and (B) show separate averages from Bonferroni-Dunn multiple comparisons; SD=standard deviation; *milimeters