Fig. 2.
Variation in the data (behavior, joint kinematics, EMG) during the task for participant Y05. A: contour plots showing the time distribution of position of the wrists and the computer cursor. B: joint motion data in degrees. Joint names: ShFlEx, ShAbAd, and ShRot, shoulder flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and rotation; ElFlEx and ElPrSu, elbow flexion/extension and pronation/supination; WrDev and WrFlEx, wrist ulnar deviation and flexion/extension. C: normalized EMG data. Muscle names: DelAnt, DelMed, and DelPos are anterior, medial, and posterior fibers of deltoid; biceps, biceps brachii; TriLong and TriLat, long and lateral heads of triceps; brachi, brachioradialis; PectMaj, clavicular fibers of pectorialis major.