Table 1.
Patient 1 | Patient 2 | Patient 3 | Patient 4 | Patient 5 | Patient 6 | Patient 7 | Patient 8 | |
Variant | c.316G>A | c.316G>A | c.320T>C | c.844C>T | c.968G>A | c.968G>A | c.967C>T | c.1027 T>C |
Origin | De novo | De novo | De novo | De novo | De novo | De novo | De novo | De novo |
Protein change | p.A106T | p.A106T | p.I107T | p.P282S | p.R323Q | p.R323Q | p.R323W | p.F343L |
Sex | Female | Male | Female | Female | Female | Female | Female | Female |
Age at inclusion | 7 years | 9 years | 3 years | 10 years | 4 years | 3 2/12 years | 9 years | 6 years |
Age at seizure onset | Day of life 1 | 3 months | 1.5 months | 1 year | 10 months | 1 year | 11 months | 1 year |
Seizure type at onset | GTCS | Tonic | Tonic | Secondary generalized | FS, GTCS, myoclonic | FS, myoclonic | GTCS | Tonic |
Seizure frequency at onset | Daily | Unknown | Daily | Unknown | Sporadic GTCS | Daily | Weekly | Daily |
Further seizure types | Tonic, CPS | CPS, secondary generalized, atonic | Infantile spasms, tonic | Atypical absences | Myoclonic, absences, GTCS, CPS | Atonic, myoclonias during sleep, atypical absences, GTCS | Absences | None |
AED responses | Seizure-free for 2 years on LEV | No clear response | No clear response | Slight improvement with LTG | No clear response | No clear response | VPA and TPM best combination | Some improvement on LEV |
Seizure outcome | Seizure-free for 3 years (1 year seizure free off AED) | Remains intractable | Remains intractable | Remains intractable | Remains intractable | Remains intractable | Seizure-free for 3 years | Seizures Persist |
EEG at onset | Normal | Normal | High voltage, slowing of background, sharp transients on the right side | Generalized and multifocal spikes | Normal | Generalized spikes, irregular spike-wave- complexes | Normal background, rare generalized spike waves | Excess diffuse beta and intermittent left temporal slowing. |
Other EEG | No epileptiform activity seen | Diffuse xs beta, multifocal sharps | Background slowing, rare sharp transients right more than left | Generalized spike-wave nearly continuous | Generalized irregular spike wave | Generalized spikes, irregular spike-wave-complexes | Normal background frequencies, rare single generalized or hemispheric accentuated spike waves | poor organization, diffuse xs beta, frequent sharps maximal at the central vertex |
Development | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay | Severe global delay |
Language | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal | Non-verbal |
Neurological exam | Hypotonia, nystagmus | Hypotonia, nystagmus, hyperkinetic movements with some choreoathetotic components | Hypotonia, nystagmus, hand stereotypies, choreoathetosis | Hypotonia, roving eye movements | Normal | Hypotonia, mild ataxia | Normal | Hypotonia, intermittent hand posturing |
MRI findings | Delayed myelination | Volume loss | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | Normal | Falx hypoplasia |
AED = antiepileptic drug; CPS = complex partial seizures; GTCS = generalized tonic-clonic seizures; FS = febrile seizures; LEV = levetiracetam; LTG = lamotrigine; TPM = topiramate; VPA = valproic acid; xs = excess.