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. 2016 Nov 17;140(1):49–67. doi: 10.1093/brain/aww272

Table 1.

Clinical features of all individuals with GABRG2 variants identified in this study.

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6 Patient 7 Patient 8
Variant c.316G>A c.316G>A c.320T>C c.844C>T c.968G>A c.968G>A c.967C>T c.1027 T>C
Origin De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo
Protein change p.A106T p.A106T p.I107T p.P282S p.R323Q p.R323Q p.R323W p.F343L
Sex Female Male Female Female Female Female Female Female
Age at inclusion 7 years 9 years 3 years 10 years 4 years 3 2/12 years 9 years 6 years
Age at seizure onset Day of life 1 3 months 1.5 months 1 year 10 months 1 year 11 months 1 year
Seizure type at onset GTCS Tonic Tonic Secondary generalized FS, GTCS, myoclonic FS, myoclonic GTCS Tonic
Seizure frequency at onset Daily Unknown Daily Unknown Sporadic GTCS Daily Weekly Daily
Further seizure types Tonic, CPS CPS, secondary generalized, atonic Infantile spasms, tonic Atypical absences Myoclonic, absences, GTCS, CPS Atonic, myoclonias during sleep, atypical absences, GTCS Absences None
AED responses Seizure-free for 2 years on LEV No clear response No clear response Slight improvement with LTG No clear response No clear response VPA and TPM best combination Some improvement on LEV
Seizure outcome Seizure-free for 3 years (1 year seizure free off AED) Remains intractable Remains intractable Remains intractable Remains intractable Remains intractable Seizure-free for 3 years Seizures Persist
EEG at onset Normal Normal High voltage, slowing of background, sharp transients on the right side Generalized and multifocal spikes Normal Generalized spikes, irregular spike-wave- complexes Normal background, rare generalized spike waves Excess diffuse beta and intermittent left temporal slowing.
Other EEG No epileptiform activity seen Diffuse xs beta, multifocal sharps Background slowing, rare sharp transients right more than left Generalized spike-wave nearly continuous Generalized irregular spike wave Generalized spikes, irregular spike-wave-complexes Normal background frequencies, rare single generalized or hemispheric accentuated spike waves poor organization, diffuse xs beta, frequent sharps maximal at the central vertex
Development Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay Severe global delay
Language Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal Non-verbal
Neurological exam Hypotonia, nystagmus Hypotonia, nystagmus, hyperkinetic movements with some choreoathetotic components Hypotonia, nystagmus, hand stereotypies, choreoathetosis Hypotonia, roving eye movements Normal Hypotonia, mild ataxia Normal Hypotonia, intermittent hand posturing
MRI findings Delayed myelination Volume loss Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Falx hypoplasia

AED = antiepileptic drug; CPS = complex partial seizures; GTCS = generalized tonic-clonic seizures; FS = febrile seizures; LEV = levetiracetam; LTG = lamotrigine; TPM = topiramate; VPA = valproic acid; xs = excess.