Figure 4.
Effect of MAG‐DPA treatment on airway hyperresponsiveness developed by IL‐13‐pretreated human bronchi. (A) CCRC to U‐46619 were performed on control (solid circles), 10 ng/mL IL‐13 (open circles), IL‐13 + 1 μmol/L MAG‐DPA (purple triangle), and IL‐13 + 1 μmol/L MAG‐DPA + 100 μmol/L acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)‐treated bronchi (orange triangle). Tensions are expressed as absolute value (g) and the stats annotations refer to the comparison of the mean maximal tension. Each point represents the mean tonic response ± SEM, with n = 12 for each experimental condition (*P ˂ 0.05). MT control: 0.30 ± 0.03, EC 50: 5.5 nmol/L; MTIL ‐13: 0.82 ± 0.03, EC 50: 7 nmol/L; MTIL ‐13+1 μmol/L MAG ‐ DPA: 0.54 ± 0.02, EC 50: 5.8 nmol/L; MT IL ‐13+ MAG ‐ DPA +100 μmol/L ASA: 0.45 ± 0.04, EC 50:10 nmol/L. (B) Western blot and quantitative analysis of P‐CPI‐17/CPI‐17 density ratios in cytosolic fractions derived from human bronchi obtained from control (untreated), 10 ng/mL IL‐13, IL‐13 + 1 μmol/L MAG‐DPA, IL‐13 + MAG‐DPA + 100 μmol/L ASA, and IL‐13 + 300 nmol/L RvD1‐treated human bronchi. Staining densities of the P‐CPI‐17 immunoreactive bands are expressed as a function of the CPI‐17 signal. Results shown are representative of six similar experiments (*P < 0.05).