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. 2016 Dec 8;84:145–224. doi: 10.1016/j.simyco.2016.11.005

Table 1.

Details of strains included in this study.

Genus and species Culture accession number(s)1 Previous name Origin GenBank accession numbers2
ITS LSU rpb2 tub2
Ach. globosum CBS 332.67 T Rhizosphere, Lucknow, India KX976570 KX976695 KX976793 KX976911
Ach. luteum CBS 618.68 Cucurbita rhizosphere, Delhi, India KX976571 KX976696 KX976794 KX976912
CBS 544.83 Rosa stem, Lahore, Pakistan KX976572 KX976697 KX976795 KX976913
Ach. macrosporum CBS 152.97 T Leaf litter, Uttar Pradesh, India KX976573 KX976698 KX976796 KX976914
CBS 532.94 Mangrove mud, Japan KX976574 KX976699 KX976797 KX976915
Ach. strumarium CBS 333.67 T Soil, Lucknow, India AY681204 AY681170 KC503254 AY681238
Amesia gen. nov.
Am. atrobrunnea CBS 379.66*T Ch. atrobrunneum Mouldy mattress, Solomon Islands JX280771 JX280666 KX976798 KX976916
CBS 250.75 Air, Uttar Pradesh, India KX976575 KX976700 KX976799 KX976917
Am. cymbiformis CBS 175.84 Ch. cymbiforme Tent rope, Solomon Islands KX976576 KX976701 KX976800 KX976918
CBS 176.84* Case liner, Georgia, USA KX976577 KX976702 KX976801 KX976919
Am. nigricolor CBS 600.66 T Ch. nigricolor Vegetable detritus, India KX976578 KX976703 KX976802 KX976920
CBS 291.83* Paper, India KX976579 KX976704 KX976803 KX976921
Am. gelasinospora CBS 673.80 T Ch. gelasinosporum Soil, Qus, Egypt KX976580 KX976705 KX976804 KX976922
CBS 643.83 Sandy soil, Gawa, Nigeria KX976581 KX976706 KX976805 KX976923
Ar. aureus CBS 153.52 Ch. aureum Virginia, USA KX976582 KX976707 KX976806 KX976924
CBS 538.73 Dung of hyrax, East Africa KX976583 KX976708 KX976807 KX976925
Ar. cupreus CBS 560.80 Ch. cupreum Dung of moose, Mietta Hot Springs, Canada KX976584 KX976709 KX976808 KX976926
Ar. fusiformis CBS 484.85 Ch. fusiforme Dung of rodent, Newberry Mts., Nevada, USA KX976585 KX976710 KX976809 KX976927
CBS 485.85 Wood chip, Hiltin Falls, Ontario, Canada KX976586 KX976711 KX976810 KX976928
Ar. flavigenus CBS 337.67 T Ch. flavigenum Soil, Johannesburg, South Africa KX976587 KX976712 KX976811 KX976929
Ar. turgidopilosus CBS 169.52*T Ch. turgidopilosum Top of storage tent, USA KX976588 KX976713 KX976812 KX976930
B. atrogriseum CBS 130.28 T Dung of rabbit, The Netherlands KX976589 KX976714 KX976813 KX976931
CBS 604.69 Corn field soil, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada KX976590 KX976715 KX976814 KX976932
B. murorum CBS 163.52 Ch. murorum Great Smoky Mts., Tennessee, USA KX976591 KX976716 KX976815 KX976933
CBS 173.68 Liquor cerebrospinalis of Homo sapiens, Netherlands KX976592 KX976717 KX976816 KX976934
DTO 324-G9*; DTO 324-H9 Air, China KX976593 KX976718 KX976817 KX976935
DTO 333-E6*(= IBT 42175) Ceiling tile, Denmark KX976594 KX976719 KX976818 KX976936
B. peruvianum CBS 460.90 Dung of herbivore, Massanella, Spain KX976623 KX976720 KX976819 KX976937
CBS 421.93 Air, La Habana, Cuba KX976596 KX976721 KX976820 KX976938
B. piluliferum CBS 654.79 Pastry, Enschede, Netherlands KX976597 KX976722 KX976821 KX976939
CBS 105.14 Unknown KX976598 KX976723 KX976822 KX976940
DTO 194-F7 Plaster wall, The Netherlands KX976599 KX976724 KX976823 KX976941
DTO 254-B8*; DTO 254-B9 Wall in villa, Utrecht, The Netherlands KX976600 KX976725 KX976824 KX976942
B. spirotrichum CBS 211.55 T Emilmuelleria spirotricha Dung of deer, California, USA KX976601 KX976726 KX976825 KX976943
CBS 828.71 Dung of donkey, Algeria KX976602 KX976727 KX976826 KX976944
Chaetomium sensu stricto**
C. cervicicola DTO 318-G6 Dust, Mexico KX976603 KX976728 KX976827 KX976945
C. coarctatum DTO 324-H2* Air, China KX976604 KX976729 KX976828 KX976946
C. cochliodes DTO 013-C2 Air, Maastricht, The Netherlands KX976605 KX976947
DTO 089-E2 Air, Eindhoven, The Netherlands KX976606 KX976948
DTO 319-B5; DTO 319-B6 Dust, South Africa KX976607 KX976730 KX976829 KX976949
DTO 318-I1*; DTO 318-H2; DTO 318-H4;DTO 318-H5; DTO 318-H7; DTO 318-H8; DTO 318-I3; DTO 318-I5; DTO 318-I6;DTO 318-I8; DTO 318-I9; DTO 319-A1;DTO 319-B5; DTO 319-B6; DTO 325-F7 Dust, USA KX976608 KX976950
C. elatum DTO 318-H9*; DTO 318-G7 Dust, USA KX976609 KX976731 KX976830 KX976951
DTO 319-B3* Dust, Australia KX976610 KX976732 KX976831 KX976952
DTO 333-E5 Dust, Denmark KX976611 KX976953
CBS 142034 neoT (= DTO 333-E9 = IBT 42179) Cardboard, Denmark KX976612 KX976733 KX976832 KX976954
DTO 333-F8 (= IBT 42329) Gypsum, Denmark KX976613 KX976955
C. globosum DTO 134-D9; DTO 134-E1; DTO 134-E2; DTO 134-E3; DTO 134-E4; DTO 134-E5 Air, Algeria KX976614 KX976956
DTO 318-G3; DTO 318-G4; DTO 318-G5 Dust, Canada KX976615 KX976957
DTO 324-D7; DTO 324-G8; DTO 324-H1; DTO 324-H4; DTO 324-H5; DTO 324-I1; DTO 324-I2; DTO 324-I3; DTO 324-I4; DTO 324-I5; DTO 324-I6; DTO 324-I7; DTO 324-I8; DTO 324-I9; DTO 325-A1; DTO 325-A2; DTO 325-A3; DTO 325-A4 Air, China KX976616 KX976958
CBS 666.82* Chili powder, China KX976617 KX976734 KX976833 KX976959
DTO 333-D7 (= IBT 42328); DTO 333-D8 (= IBT 42326); DTO 333-D9 (= IBT 42327); DTO 333-F4 (= IBT 42297); DTO 333-F5 (= IBT 42299); DTO 333-F6 (= IBT 42301); DTO 333-F7 (= IBT 42325); DTO 333-F9 Gypsum, Denmark KX976618 KX976960
DTO 333-E1 (= IBT 41766); DTO 333-E8 (= IBT 42177) Plywood, Denmark KX976619 KX976961
DTO 333-E3*(= IBT 41800) Linoleum, Denmark KX976620 KX976735 KX976834 KX976962
DTO 333-E4 (= IBT 41801) Carpet, Denmark KX976621 KX976963
DTO 333-E7 (= IBT 42176) Oriented strand board, Denmark KX976622 KX976964
CBS 112386; DTO 340-I2 Indoor environment, Germany KX976623 KX976965
DTO 012-F3 Air, Hamburg, Germany KX976624 KX976966
DTO 012-D2 Air, Koln, Germany KX976625 KX976967
DTO 237-D4 Air, Indonesia KX976626 KX976968
DTO 319-B2*; DTO 319-A3; DTO 319-A4; DTO 319-A5; DTO 319-A6; DTO 319-A7; DTO 319-A8; DTO 319-A9; DTO 319-B1 Dust, Mexico KX976627 KX976736 KX976835 KX976969
DTO 085-E8; DTO 085-F5; DTO 085-F6 Air, Baarn, The Netherlands KX976628 KX976970
DTO 122-H9 Air, Gorinchem, The Netherlands KX976629 KX976971
DTO 123-D4 Air, Zutphen, The Netherlands KX976630 KX976972
DTO 264-C1 Wall in house, Wassenaar, The Netherlands KX976631 KX976973
DTO 272-I1 Wall, Utrecht, The Netherlands KX976632 KX976974
DTO 086-D6 Archive material, Gorinchem, The Netherlands KX976633 KX976975
DTO 126-B6 Indoor environment, Den Haag, The Netherlands KX976634 KX976976
DTO 011-F7; DTO 012-F2 Wall paper, Loosdrecht, The Netherlands KX976635 KX976977
DTO 319-B4 Dust, South Africa KX976636 KX976978
DTO 319-C3 Dust, Thailand KX976637 KX976979
DTO 319-C9 Dust, Uruguay KX976638 KX976980
DTO 318-H3; DTO 318-H6; DTO 318-I4; DTO 319-C5; DTO 319-C6 Dust, USA KX976639 KX976981
CBS 148.51 Stored cotton, District of Columbia, USA GU563374 GU563363 KF001801 JF772459
C. tectifimeti CBS 142032 T (= DTO 318-G8)* Dust, USA KX976640 KX976737 KX976836 KX976982
Col. bostrychodes CBS 163.73 Ch. bostrychodes Dung of antelope, East Africa KX976641 KX976738 KX976837 KX976983
CBS 586.83 Soil, Germany KX976642 KX976739 KX976838 KX976984
DTO 319-C4 Dust, Indonesia KX976643 KX976985
DTO 324-H3; DTO 324-H6* Air, China KX976644 KX976740 KX976839 KX976986
CBS 121706 Commercial honey, Spain KX976645 KX976987
Col. causiiformis CBS 792.83*T Ch. causiiform Sweatband of helmet liner, Solomon Islands KX976646 KX976741 KX976840 KX976988
Col. carteri CBS 128.85*T Air, British Columbia, Canada KX976647 KX976742 KX976841 KX976989
Col. gracilis CBS 146.60 T Ch. gracile Soil, Tsu, Mie, Japan KX976648 KX976743 KX976842 KX976990
CBS 249.75* Air, Uttar Pradesh, India KX976649 KX976744 KX976843 KX976991
Col. quadrangulata CBS 142.58 Ch. quadrangulatum Soil, French Polynesia KX976650 KX976745 KX976844 KX976992
CBS 152.59 Dung of rabbit, Derbyshire, Chatsworth Park, England KX976651 KX976746 KX976845 KX976993
Col. robusta CBS 551.83 T Ch. robustum Litter, Portland Parish, Jamaica KX976652 KX976747 KX976846 KX976994
CBS 508.84 Woodlot soil, Ocho Rios, Jamaica KX976653 KX976748 KX976847 KX976995
Col. virescens CBS 148.68 T Ch. virescens Agricultural soil, Lahore, Pakistan KX976654 KX976749 KX976848 KX976996
CBS 547.75 Wheat straw compost, Ludhiana, Punjab KX976655 KX976750 KX976849 KX976997
Cor. humicola CBS 337.72 T Soil, Piedmont, North Carolina, USA KX976656 KX976751 KX976850 KX976998
CBS 379.74 Soil, Piedmont, North Carolina, USA KX976657 KX976752 KX976851 KX976999
D. dolichotrichus CBS 162.48 T Ch. dolichotrichum Great Smoky Mts., USA HM449049 HM449063 KX976852 JF772462
CGMCC 3.14189 Discarded cloth, Longjing, Jilin Province, China HM449048 HM449062 KX976853 JF772455
D. erectus CBS 140.56 T Ch. erectum Petroselinum sativum, USA HM449044 HM449058 KX976854 JF772458
CGMCC 3.12900 Soil, Anqiu, Shandong Province, China KC109760 KC109760 KX976855 KC109778
D. funicola CBS 159.52 eT Ch. funicola Germany GU563369 GU563354 KX976856 JF772461
CBS 136.38 Unknown HM449046 HM449060 KX976857 JF772457
DTO 333-F1*; DTO 333-F2* Dust, outdoors, Denmark KX976658 KX976753 KX976858 KX977000
DTO 318-I2 Dust, USA KX976659 KX977001
D. fusus CBS 372.66 T Ch. fusum Leaf litter, Bataan, Costa Rica KX976660 KX976754 KX976859 KX977002
CBS 114.83 Tectona grandis or calyx, Jamaica KX976661 KX976755 KX976860 KX977003
D. indicus CGMCC 3.14184 eT Ch. indicum Rhizosphere of Panax notoginseng, Yunnan, China GU563367 GU563360 KX976861 JF772453
CGMCC 3.14182 Rhizosphere of Panax notoginseng, Yunnan, China GU563366 GU563358 KX976862 JF772451
DTO 333-E2* Feather, Denmark KX976662 KX976756 KX976863 KX977004
DTO 333-F3* Dust, outdoors, Denmark KX976663 KX976757 KX976864 KX977005
DTO 319-B8* Dust, South Africa KX976664 KX976758 KX976865 KX977006
D. pratensis CBS 133396 T (= CGMCC 3.14181) Ch. pratense Soil, Huangnan, Qinghai Province GU563372 GU563357 KX976866 JF772450
CBS 804.83 Wood of celar, Switzerland KX976665 KX976759 KX976867 KX977007
CBS 860.68* Ch. indicum Air, Germany KX976666 KX976760 KX976868 KX977008
D. pseudoerectus CBS 252.75*T Air, Uttar Pradesh, India KX976667 KX976761 KX976869 KX977009
D. pseudofunicola CBS 142033 T (= DTO 318-I7)* Dust, USA KX976668 KX976762 KX976870 KX977010
D. ramosissimus CGMCC 3.14183 T Ch. ramosissimum Rhizosphere of Panax Notoginseng, Yunnan, China GU563371 GU563361 KX976871 JF772452
CGMCC 3.12930 Soil, Huanggang, Hubei Province HM449045 HM449059 KX976872 JF772449
D. reflexus CBS 157.49 T Ch. reflexum Germinating seed, Toledo, Ohio, USA HM449051 HM449055 KX976873 JF772460
CBS 141.56 Seed, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada KX976669 KX976763 KX976874 KX977011
D. subfunicola CGMCC 3.12892 T Ch. subfunicola Soil, Shihezi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region JX867125 JX867125 KX976875 JX867122
CGMCC 3. 9466 Rhizosphere of Panax Notoginseng, Yunnan, China GU563368 GU563353 KX976876 JF772446
CBS 812.73* Pistol belt, New Guinea KX976670 KX976764 KX976877 KX977012
CBS 794.83* Paper, Switzerland KX976671 KX976765 KX976878 KX977013
D. variostiolatus CBS 179.84*T Ch. variostiolatum Tarpaulin, New Guinea KX976672 KX976766 KX976879 KX977014
DTO 319-A2* Dust, USA KX976673 KX976767 KX976880 KX977015
DTO 319-B9*; DTO 319-C1 Dust, Thailand KX976674 KX976768 KX976881 KX977016
H. fuscoatra CBS 118.14 T Soil, Norway KX976675 KX976769 KX976882 KX977017
H. olivacea CBS 142031 T (= DTO 319-C7)* Dust, USA KX976676 KX976770 KX976883 KX977018
Humicola sp. DTO 318-G9; DTO 318-H1 Dust, Mexico KX976677 KX976771 KX976884 KX977019
DTO 319-B7* Dust, South Africa KX976678 KX976772 KX976885 KX977020
Me. albomyces CBS 638.94 T Chicken nest straw, Nevada, USA KX976679 KX976773 KX976886 KX977021
CBS 747.70 Coal pit refuse, UK KX976680 KX976774 KX976887 KX977022
Me. tardus CBS 541.76*T Cotton jacket, Switzerland KX976681 KX976775 KX976888 KX977023
My. fergusii CBS 406.69 T Mushroom compost, Pennsylvania, USA HQ871794 KX976776 HQ871815 KX977024
My. heterothallica CBS 202.75 Garden soil, Giessen, Germany HQ871771 KM655354 HQ871798 KX977025
My. lutea CBS 145.77 neoT Hay, Newmarket, UK HQ871775 KM655351 HQ871816 KX977026
My. sepedonium CBS 111.69 T Soil, Allahabad, India HQ871751 KX976777 HQ871827 KX977027
My. thermophila CBS 669.85 Cellulase, USA HQ871767 KX976778 HQ871806 KX977028
CBS 381.97 Homo sapiens, Unknown HQ871766 KX976779 HQ871805 KX977029
O. brasiliensis CBS 130174 Ch. brasiliense Soil, Colombia KX976682 KX976780 KX976895 KX977030
CBS 140.50* Moist jute cloth, Calcutta, India KX976683 KX976781 KX976896 KX977031
O. medusarum CBS 148.67 T Ch. medusarum Soil, Zaire KX976684 KX976782 KX976897 KX977032
O. mollicella CBS 583.83 T Ch. mollicellum Dung of spotted skunk, Washington, USA KX976685 KX976783 KX976898 KX977033
O. pseudomollicella CBS 251.75*T Air, Uttar Pradesh, India KX976686 KX976784 KX976899 KX977034
O. senegalensis CBS 728.84 T Ch. senegalense Plant remains, Senegal KX976687 KX976785 KX976900 KX977035
CBS 798.83 Dung of gazelle, Israel KX976688 KX976786 KX976901 KX977036
O. unipora CBS 109.83 T Ch. uniporum Soil, Egypt KX976689 KX976787 KX976902 KX977037
S. anamorphosa CBS 137114 T Ch. anamorphosum Peritonitis of Homo sapiens, Kuwait KP862598 KP970641 KP900667 KP900704
S. asteroides CBS 123294 T Keratitis of Homo sapiens, USA HQ906667 JX280731 KP900666 KP900703
CBS 128466 Corneal ulcer of Homo sapiens, USA JX280843 JX280732 KP900656 KP900695
S. cristata CBS 156.52 T Ch. cristatum Dung of rabbit, Virginia, USA KX976690 KX976788 KX976903 KX977038
DTO 324-H8*; DTO 324-H7 Air, China KX976691 KX976789 KX976904 KX977039
S. cuniculorum CBS 800.83 Ch. cuniculorum Soil, Spain KX976692 KX976790 KX976905 KX977040
S. fusispora CBS 199.84 Ch. fusisporum Dung of marmot, Alberta, Canada KP862601 KP970645 KP900653 KP900707
S. flavipila CBS 446.66 T Ch. irregulare Dead leaves, Bulgaria KP862600 KP970647 KP900669 KP900706
CBS 227.82 Dung, Spain KP862599 KP970646 KP900668 KP900705
S. obscura CBS 132916 T Tinea pedis of Homo sapiens, Kuwait KP862595 KP970653 KP900662 KP900700
S. thielavioides CBS 122.78 T Dung of nilgai, Delhi Zoo, India KP862597 KP970654 KP900670 KP900708
CBS 560.84 Dung of herbivore, Delhi, India KP862596 KP970655 KP900672 KP900710
T. appendiculata CBS 731.68 Dung of rabbit, Wales KM655330 KM655369 KX976906 KX977041
T. fragilis CBS 456.73 T Rhizosphere of Pennisetum typhoideum in garden soil, Tamil Nadu, India KX976693 KX976791 KX976907 KX977042
T. hyrcaniae CBS 353.62 T Sand dune soil, Iran KM655329 KM655368 KX976908 KX977043
T. kuwaitensis CBS 945.72 T Desert soil, Kuwait KM655332 KM655371 KX976909 KX977044
T. terricola CBS 165.88 Barren soil, North Carolina, USA KX976694 KX976792 KX976910 KX977045
Microascus trigonosporus CBS 218.31 T USA LM652443 HG380436 DQ470908 LM652655

T, eT and neoT denote ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-neotype cultures respectively.


The isolates from the indoor environments are highlighted in bold.


The newly generated sequences in this study are shown in bold; where multiple culture numbers are listed in the row only the sequences from the first culture was deposited in GenBank.

The isolates that were analysed for their metabolite production.


Here only the sequences of the representatives of indoor Chaetomium sensu stricto species are provided. For the information of other Chaetomium species please see in our previous study (Wang et al. 2016).