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. 2016 Dec 18;(118):52352. doi: 10.3791/52352
Parameter Image Sequence
T1-Mapping T2-Mapping
General Sequence type 3D, Inversion-recovery with gradient-spoiled, gradient-recalled echo readout 2D, single slice, multiple-spin-echo
Preparation phases Receiver gain, center frequency, VOI shim Receiver gain, center frequency, VOI shim
Number of excitations 1 2
Total scan duration (min:sec) 1:44 12:04
Geometry Anatomical plane(s) Axial Axial
Number of slices 11 1
Slice thickness (mm) 7 7
Inter-slice gap (mm) 0 0
Acquired matrix 128 x 128 x 6 128 x 128
Reconstructed matrix 128 x 128 x 11 128 x 128
Field of view (mm) 256 x 256 x 77 256 x 256
Reconstructed voxel size (mm) 2.00 x 2.00 x 7.00 2.00 x 2.00 x 7.00
Contrast Repetition time (ms) Varied 4000
Inversion pulse 180°, 1 ms, shape: block N/A
Inversion recovery times (ms) 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 6000 N/A
Pre-delay time (ms) 1500 N/A
Fat signal suppression (when used) 1331 binomial water-selective excitation SPAIR (power: 2 μT, inversion delay 202 ms, frequency offset 250 Hz); Sinc-Gauss pre-pulse (90°, duration: 18 ms, frequency offset: 100 Hz)
Excitation flip angle (°) 10 90
Refocusing pulse N/A Version-S
Echo time (ms) N/A {14, 28, 42…280}
Number of echoes/ echo spacing (ms) N/A N/A
RF shimming Adaptive Adaptive
Signal acquisition Readout type Cartesian Cartesian
Parallel imaging SENSE (g=1.5) SENSE (g=1.5)
Bandwidth/pixel (Hz/pixel) 383 335.1