Step 3. Communicate patient information
Structured sign-out format for each institution
Recommended as feasible mnemonics (alphabetical order) for EM-IM transition, cited from Riesenberg table14:
HANDOFFS (Hospital location, Allergies, Name, DNR, Ongoing problem, Fact about hospitalization, Follow up, Scenarios)
I PASS (Introduction, Patient name, Assessment, Situation, Safety concerns)
SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation)
SBARR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation, Read back)
SHARQ (Situation, History, Assessment, Recommendation, Questions)
SIGNOUT (Sick, Identifying data, General hospital course, New events, Overall health status, Upcoming possibilities, Tasks)
SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)
Identification of high-risk patient: if high risk, explain the following:
Why they are high risk
How they may decompensate
Planning for continued care
Frequency of reassessment
Code status or POLST