Fig 4.
Interfering with the IFNγ pathway in MSCs can partially restore Vδ2+ cell proliferation (A) Comparison of Vδ2+ cell expansion in co-culture with either MSC-pLV (left panel) or MSC-IFNγRi (right panel). Representative Flow cytometric analysis of Vδ2+ cells at day five. (B) Specific silencing of the IFNγR augments the number of Vδ2+ cells after five days of co-culture. Results show the means ± S.D. of triplicate samples. ***P ≤ 0.001. (C) Total PBMCs were labeled with CFSE and flow cytometric analysis of Vδ2+ cell proliferation was performed five days after co-culture with either MSC-IFNγRi (white) or MSC-pLV (grey). Proliferation index of Vδ2+ cells in co-culture with MSC silenced with shRNA for IFNγR is higher compared to MSC transduced with the empty vector (right panel). Results show the means ± S.D. of triplicate samples. *P ≤ 0.05. (D) Co-culture of Vδ2+ cells and MSC-IFNγRi gives rise to more intracellular IFNγ production by Vδ2+ cells compared to a co-culture with MSC-pLV, especially after 12h. Results show the means ± S.D. of triplicate samples. *P ≤ 0.05. Representative flow cytometric analysis of IFNγ production in Vδ2+ cells after 12h of activation (right panel).