Figure 6. Illustration of the MOKE experimental set-up and ROT-MOKE data of the Cd3As2 bulk crystals.
(a) Schematic drawing of the MOKE experimental set-up. The magnetic field is rotated in the y-z plane, parallel to the sample surface. A constant current density was applied across the sample. The incident laser is p-polarized with a wavelength of 670 nm. (b and c) ROT-MOKE signals of the Cd3As2 crystals under different current density and magnetic field, adopting a cosine-function dependence on θ. Here θ is defined as the angle between E and B. For (b) the magnetic field was fixed at 2,000 Oe and for (c) the current density is fixed at 144 mA mm−2. The insets are the data plotted in the polar coordinates.