Effects of CSE and adiponectin on the apoptosis of 16HBECs. (A) 16HBECs were treated with 5% CSE, 5% CSE + HMW or gAd at different concentrations, and apoptosis was detected. (B) Quantitative analysis of apoptotic cell death induced by CSE or/and adiponectin in 16HBECs as measured by Annexin V-FITC-PI co-staining flow cytometric analysis. Results are presented as the mean (n=3) ± standard deviation. *P<0.05 vs. 5% CSE (−)/HMW (−)/gAD (−). CSE, cigarette smoke extract; FITC, fluorescein; gAd, glocular domain; HMW, high molecular weight; PI, propidium iodide.