Overview of the antennal pedicel and Johnston's organ. A: Schematic representation of a transversal section of a pedicel (modified from Hart et al, 2011). B: TEM section of the junction between the flagellum and the pedicel. C: TEM transversal section of Johnston's organ. D: TEM section of the connections of the prongs and septa to the basal plate. Abbreviations: ant sc, anterior scolopidia; tfs, terminal filaments; flag, flagellum; bpl, basal plate; ped, pedicel; post sc, posterior scolopidia; pr, prong; rad sc, radial scolopidia; rb, rib; sep, septa; ped wall, pedicel wall; cps: caps; out, outer layer of the basal plate; ep, epidermis.