Figure 4.
Expression patterns in tubules of some of the transcription factor genes indicated by the microarray data as being expressed in tubules. (a) homothorax (hth05745), principal and stellate cells of initial and transitional segments only; (b) polyhomeotic proximal (ph-p), all cells of tubule, and midgut; (c) pointed (pnt1277), principal and stellate cells of initial and transitional segments only; (d) corto (corto07128b), stellate cells only; (e) teashirt (tsh04319, a kind gift of H. Skaer), stellate cells only; (f) bunched (bnc00255), principal cells, whole tubule; (g) cut (immunocytochemistry, antibody a kind gift of Jan lab), whole tubule, principal cells only; (h) CG7417 (CG7417201Y), lower tubule (and midgut - strong); (i) arc (ak11011b), lower tubule, not ureter; (j) Stat92E06346, all tubule cells and midgut.