Inhibition of binding properties of CFA/I fimbriae by serum samples collected from mice subjected to different immunization regimens. The CFA/I+ ETEC 258990-3 strain was incubated with different serum samples for 1 h at 37°C, at a final dilution of 1:3, before being added to Caco-2 cell cultures. The inhibition of bacterial binding was evaluated by assays using serum pools from nonimmunized mice (A), serum pools from mice who were immunized with two i.m. pRECFA doses (titer of 4,268) (B), serum pools from mice who were immunized with two p.o. doses of the HG3 strain (reverse titer of 305) (C), or PBS-diluted serum pools from mice subjected to the pRECFA priming-HG3 strain boosting immunization regimen with a two-week interval between the priming and boosting doses (titer of 4,500) (D). Magnification, ×2,000. The experiment was repeated twice with the same observed results.