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. 2016 Oct 19;131(6):816–821. doi: 10.1177/0033354916670133

Table 1.

Alignment of SPAN event types and medical record diagnoses for suicide attempts among Veterans Health Administration health care service users: 2011-2014

Medical Record: ICD-9 Codes11 SPAN, 2011-2012: Event Typea SPAN, 2013-2014: SDVCSb
NA Suicide attempt Suicide attempt without injury
NA Suicide attempt Suicide attempt without injury, interrupted
E950: Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by solid or liquid substances Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E951: Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by gases in domestic use Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E952: Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by other gases and vapors Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E953: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E954: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by submersion (drowning) Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E955: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by firearms, air guns, and explosives Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E956: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by cutting and piercing instrument Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E957: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by jumping from high place Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E958: Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means Suicide attempt Suicide attempt with injury and suicide attempt with injury, interrupted
E959: Late effects of self-inflicted injury NA NA

Abbreviations: ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; NA, not applicable; SDVCS, Self-Directed Violence Classification System; SPAN, Suicide Prevention Applications Network.

aSPAN is the US Department of Veterans Affairs’ internal suicide event tracking system for all Veterans Health Administration health care service users.

bSDVCS is a standardized, validated instrument that objectively determines the type of self-harm event.