Figure 2. The HK:RR interface and structural variability.
(A) Structural superposition of the DesK:DesR phosphatase complex (this study, PDB 5IUN) with HK853:RR468 from Thermotoga maritima (PDB 3DGE). Only selected structural elements from both partners are shown as cartoons for clarity. The DesK:DesR phosphotransferase complex is overall similar (not shown here). DesK and DesR are illustrated with the same color code as in Figure 1. Superposed T. maritima RR468 helix α1 is shown in gray, and HK853 protomers in cyan and blue. Primed labels distinguish DHp helices from each HK protomer. (B) Close-up of the phosphatase complex DesK:DesR interface showing only a few selected interactions for clarity (see text for detailed description). Coloring scheme as in (A). Note Leu200(HK) inserted into a hydrophobic pocket of DesR, and several other hydrophobic residues completing the interface (not labeled, shown as sticks). Among the polar contacts surrounding the hydrophobic core, Arg235(HK):Asp103(RR) and Gln193(HK):BeF3--modified Asp54(RR), are highlighted. (C) Solvent accessible surface of DesKCSTAB indicating the interaction footprint (in magenta) with DesR in the phosphatase complex. DesK domains are highlighted in green (DHp) and blue (CAs); these domains participate differently in DesR interaction, depicted in light magenta (DHp) and dark magenta (CA). Note the ATP analogue (AMP-PCP, in sticks colored by atom) bound to the CA domains, visible in this view on the rightmost one. (D) Same as (C), but for the phosphotransferase complex, illustrating the DesR-binding surface of DesKCH188E. (E) The variable position of the REC(RR) domain with respect to the DHp(HK) is illustrated, superimposing the structurally invariant region of the DHp (including the nine independently refined DesK:DesR complexes). The coloring scheme is the same as in (A), with light and dark colors distinguishing phosphotransferase and phosphatase complexes, respectively. (F) The solid volume corresponds to DesR-REC, which is shown sliced to highlight its outline, revealing unfilled cavities at the protein:protein interface. The relative position of interfacing amino acids is roughly indicated with residue labels. DesK DHp helices are shown in cartoon representation, with its superposed molecular surface on top. Two key residues on the HK partner are shown as sticks.