A) Fourier maps are shown with the final
wt P~DesKC refined model (cartoon representation only showing DHp helix α1, and the P~His
188(HK) in sticks). Maps were calculated with sigmaA-weighted coefficients 2mF
calc (blue mesh) and mF
calc (green mesh), generated after convergent refinement excluding the phosphoryl moiety. The Fourier difference peak has an rmsd of 5. (
B) The DesKC
H188E partner (in gray) was extracted from the phosphotransferase complex (labeled PT, chains A and B from PDB 5IUK, this report), and superimposed onto
wt P~DesKC (in pink, PDB 5IUM, this report) revealing high global structural similarity (see main text). The P~His
188(HK) residue is highlighted in spheres as a spatial reference. (
C) Same view and coloring scheme as
Figure 4A, highlighting the crystal structure of the phosphotransferase complex (PDB 5IUK, this report). The RR is rendered semi-transparent to allow for better visualization of selected residues (in solid sticks). The model whereby the DesKC
H188E partner (from PDB 5IUK) has been substituted by the superposed
wt P~DesKC (from PDB 5IUM), is shown as a transparent cartoon. The P~His
188(HK) residue is shown in transparent sticks representation. This model was minimized to adjust minor clashes (full details in Materials and methods) and thereafter used for structural analyses of the phosphotransferase reaction center (see
Figure 4A). (
D) Representative sigmaA-weighted 2mF
calc Fourier map (contoured at 1σ) of the refined phosphatase complex model, centered on the DHp domain at the level of the reactive His
188(HK) (shown as sticks), other residues have been excluded from the illustration for greater clarity. The DHp helices are shown as cartoons (the two HK protomers depicted in green and yellow). The HK CA domains and the associated DesR-REC domains in the complex are not shown for clarity.