Figure 1.
Qualitative description of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway reconstruction.
a) Seed/target ROI placement in a representative subject. Red indicates ROIs for left pathway while blue indicates ROIs for right pathway. From top left in a clockwise direction: contralateral target ROIs on TDI map; contralateral target ROIs on b0 image; seed ROIs on b0 image; seed ROIs on TDI map. b) Schematic representation of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway. DN: dentate nucleus, SCP: superior cerebellar peduncle, RN: red nucleus, ThaI: thalamus. The stars help to locate important regions on image c): the fuchsia star indicates the SCP, the green star the decussation point and the orange star the RN. c) FA profile across subjects as a function of z-position along the left pathway in MNI space. The bars represent the standard error. Red squares indicate FA values of pathways reconstructed using ROIs drawn on TDI maps. Blue diamonds indicate FA values of pathways reconstructed using ROIs drawn on b0 images.