Figure 5.
Spatial analysis of Dendra2-Pol II sequential multiplane, multiplexed diffusion maps. (A and B) Cross-section diffusion map views along xz- and yz planes (pixel size: 0.48 × 0.8 μm). (C) Spatial Pearson correlation coefficient along z direction (n = 4 cells), where the line is fit to se−z/λ: s = 0.75 and λ = 1.7 (with 95% confidence interval [0.5, 3.0]). (D) Representative diffusion law plots for Dendra2-Pol II in serum-stimulated condition shows varying y axis intercepts (ROI for diffusion law analysis is shown by white rectangle for planes 2, 4, and 5 in Fig. 4C). Experimental FCS details as in Fig. 4. To see this figure in color, go online.