Figure 2.
LeGAI expression in tomato seeds, embryos dissected from intact seeds, and isolated embryos. A, RNA gel-blot analysis of LeGAI expression in whole wild-type tomato seeds cv Trust, either dry or imbibed for 24 h. B, LeGAI expression in tomato embryos of intact wild-type seeds at various times during (24–72 HAI) and following (72–96 HAI) germination. Nongerminated and germinated seeds were separated at 72 HAI (the time at which approximately 50% had completed germination), and their RNA was analyzed. C, LeGAI expression in embryos of intact seeds of the gib-1 mutant cv Moneymaker during and following germination. GA-imbibed seeds (100 μm GA3) completed germination between 24 and 72 HAI; water-imbibed seeds did not complete germination. D, LeGAI expression during and following germination in embryos isolated from intact gib-1 seeds. Intact seeds were first imbibed on water for 24 h and then embryos excised and placed on water. Isolated embryos completed germination at 33 HAD. Fluorescence attributed to ethidium-bromide-stained 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA is shown below each autoradiogram in A to D to illustrate there was equal loading of total RNA samples. HAI (A–C) or HAD (D) are indicated above each lane.