Figure 3.
LeGAI expression in tomato seed endosperms. A, RNA gel-blot analysis of LeGAI expression in the micropylar and lateral endosperm regions of intact wild-type tomato seeds imbibed in water. Germination was completed between 48 and 96 HAI. Degradation of the micropylar endosperm occurred by 60 HAI, and of the lateral endosperm by 120 HAI. B, LeGAI expression in the micropylar and lateral endosperms of intact tomato seeds of the gib-1 mutant imbibed either in water or in GA (100 μm GA3). GA-imbibed seeds completed germination between 24 and 72 HAI. Degradation of the micropylar endosperm occurred after 24 HAI, and the lateral endosperm by 96 HAI. Fluorescence attributed to ethidium-bromide-stained 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA is shown below each autoradiogram in A and B to illustrate there was equal loading of total RNA samples. HAI are indicated above each lane in A and B.