Figure 1.
Wild-type response to low-ψw treatment. Three-day-old wild-type seedlings (le25:ADH Ben) were transferred to either −0.25 MPa (control) or −0.75 MPa PEG-infused agar plates, and low-ψw responses were measured over a 96-h period. A, Seedling RWC. Data are means ± se (n = 6). B, Seedling ψs. Dotted line shows the agar ψw of the −0.25 MPa treatment. Dashed line shows the agar ψw of the −0.75 MPa treatment. Data are means ± se (n = 3–4). C, Seedling Pro content. Data are means ± se (n = 4–6). Error bars are not shown when smaller than symbols.