Hyponastic growth of the third oldest petiole of submerged 27-d-old R. palustris. A, Intact plants treated with NPA and the synthetic auxins NAA or 2,4-D. B, Debladed leaves after 0, 6, or 24 h into the submergence treatment. C, Debladed leaves at the start of the experiment and subsequently submerged in 2,4-D or NAA. Plots are means of three to eight replicate plants. Mean se never exceeded 21% in A, 4% in B, and 20% in C. The black boxes in B represent the night period, and the arrows indicate leaf blade removal. Lag-phase and end hyponastic growth, (A) 1.7 h (se 0.4 h) and 7.2 h (se 0.3 h) for submerged, 3.2 h (0.1 h) and 8.5 h (se 0.5 h) for NPA, 1.6 h (se 0.3 h) and 8.6 h (se 0.1 h) for NPA + 2,4-D; (C) 2.4 h (se 0.04 h) and 6.3 h (se 0.7 h) for submerged, 2.8 h (0.2 h) and 7.5 h (se 1.1 h) for 2,4-D, 1.2 h (0.2 h) and 6.1 h (se 0.4 h) for NAA, lag-phase of debladed (−leaf blade) 8.6 h (se 0.2 h).