Own name perception.
(A) ERP contrast between trials where the cue was the participant's own name versus the other name for the control group. The left panel shows the topographies evoked by the other name, the own name, and the difference at the time of peak of the group effect (350 ms). The right panel shows the time course of the GFP of the own name versus other name difference for the control group. (B) source reconstruction of the effect for the control group at the time of the peak (350 ms), and time course of reconstructed activity in the posterior ventral cingulate cortex (Destrieux parcellation). (C and D) Topographies and GFP time course of the effect for one individual control (C) and for one individual patient (D). For all GFP time courses, periods where the cluster-level p-value was below 0.075 are indicated under the curve by red to yellow lines with the following convention: red for pclust < 0.025, orange for 0.025 < pclust < 0.05, yellow for 0.05 < pclust < 0.075 (as indicated in C, right panel). For the source activity (B, right panel) the same convention applies but for uncorrected p values (standard sample by sample t-test with no correction).