Fig. 1.
IRAK-M expression is increased during inflammatory bowel disease exacerbation and in advanced colorectal cancer patients. A. Retrospective analysis of metadata from colonic biopsies revealed that IRAK-M expression was significantly increased in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients during exacerbation, compared to biopsies from currently diagnosed IBD patients during inactive disease (inactive) and patients not diagnosed with IBD (healthy). IRAK-M was also significantly up-regulated in UC patients with neoplasia (UC + Neo). The fold-change values were extracted and averaged from 7 separate datasets and reflect the change in IRAK-M expression between each patient population and the respective healthy controls. *, †, ‡, §, ¶, #p < 0.05. B. Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients were stratified based on the Dukes' staging system (A/B) and (C/D). IRAK-M expression was significantly increased in patients with more advanced disease (CRC C/D) compared to the less advanced (CRC A/B) patients and patients not diagnosed with CRC (healthy). The fold-change values were extracted and averaged from 2 separate datasets and reflect the change in IRAK-M expression between each patient population and the respective healthy controls. *, †p < 0.05. C.IRAK-M is differentially expressed in multiple human cell types of relevance to IBD and CRC, with the highest levels of expression in cells of the myeloid lineage. The mean expression of IRAK-M in all human cell types is identified by the dotted line (218).