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. 2017 Jan 13;7:40751. doi: 10.1038/srep40751

Table 2. Assessment of the quality of the studies included in the systematic review: a summary of risk of bias (Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0).

  Selection Bias
Performance Bias Detection Bias Attrition Bias Reporting Bias Other Bias
Random sequence generation Allocation concealment Blinding of participant and personnel Blinding of outcome assessment Incomplete outcome data Selective reporting Diet/supplement compliance assessment
Dodson15 unclear unclear low* low low low low
Guerrero-Romero16 low unclear low unclear low low low
Vitamin C
Darko17 unclear unclear low unclear low low low
Mullan18 unclear unclear low unclear low low low
Vitamin D
Witham19 low low low unclear low low low
Sugden20 low low low unclear low low low
Shab-Bidar21 unclear unclear low unclear low low low
Nasri22 low low low unclear low low low
Al-Zahrani low low high unclear high unclear unclear
Nikooeh unclear unclear unclear unclear unclear unclear low
Breslavsky unclear unclear low unclear unclear low unclear

*Blinding of participants and personnel was not applicable because the intervention was dietary advice only.