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. 2016 Dec 30;9(12):1478–1484. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.1478-1484


Average feed cost (Rs.) per dozen egg production and per kg egg mass production during progressive age (weeks) under different dietary treatments.

Parameters (Weeks) Treatment

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
Feed cost (Rs.) per dozen egg production
24-26 44.23 43.54 44.04 44.56 43.48 44.31 44.65
26-28 44.46 42.41 42.79 43.38 42.58 43.39 43.71
28-30 43.57 41.73 42.09 42.44 41.90 42.46 42.53
30-32 43.12 41.27 41.63 41.97 41.44 42.23 42.30
32-34 42.45 41.05 41.40 41.73 40.99 41.77 42.06
34-36 41.79 40.14 40.70 41.02 40.31 41.08 41.59
36-38 46.23 44.22 44.64 45.03 44.62 45.23 45.59
38-40 47.34 44.90 45.56 45.98 45.30 45.92 46.06
Mean 44.14 42.40 42.85 43.26 42.57 43.29 43.56
Difference Feed cost (Rs.) per kg egg mass production 0 −1.74 −1.29 −0.88 −1.57 −0.85 −0.58
24-26 64.24 63.50 68.92 70.03 63.19 66.93 68.85
26-28 65.13 64.18 68.23 69.32 63.42 66.93 67.91
28-30 65.35 64.86 69.85 68.38 65.68 67.85 69.09
30-32 65.57 65.77 69.39 69.56 64.32 68.31 69.56
32-34 66.91 66.90 71.00 68.61 66.59 69.00 70.03
34-36 68.02 65.54 68.92 69.79 65.68 67.85 69.09
36-38 67.35 65.18 69.15 64.13 63.87 67.16 68.38
38-40 66.02 68.49 73.78 75.45 67.95 72.47 74.49
Mean 66.07 65.55 69.90 69.40 65.08 68.31 69.67
Difference 0 −0.52 3.83 3.33 −0.99 2.24 3.60

The mean values in same row with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05)