Figure 4. Characterization of synthetic Zytrisin-1.
(A) RP–HPLC showing retention time of reduced and oxidized Zytrisin-1, named Zytrisin-1R and Zytrisin-1O respectively. (B) Determination of the MW of oxidized Zytrisin-1 by MALDI-TOF MS. The spectra had two main peaks, corresponding to the singly (*) and doubly (**) protonated forms of the peptide. (C) Comparison of the CD spectra between reduced and oxidized Zytrisin-1. (D) Comparison of the CD spectra of oxidized Zytrisin-1 with those of MicasinE8A and MicasinE8R [21]. The spectra were measured at a peptide concentration of 0.05–0.1 mg/ml in water.