Fig. 4.
Loss of LDAH does not affect body mass gain, body composition, glucose tolerance, or tissue lipid composition. Loss of LDAH does not affect body mass gain, glucose tolerance, or body composition on chow or HFD. A: Ldah KO mice gain body mass as WT animals on chow or HFD. Body mass (g) ± SD of Ldah WT (closed squares) and KO (open squares) animals on chow (black squares) or 4-week HFD (red squares). Values are means (n = 6–8). B: Body composition (g or %) ± SEM of Ldah WT (closed bars) and KO (open bars) animals on chow (black bars) or 4-week HFD (red bars). Values are means (n = 6–8). C: Blood glucose (mg/dl) ± SEM of Ldah WT (closed squares) and KO (open squares) animals on chow (black squares) or 4-week HFD (red squares) after oral glucose tolerance test. Values are means (n = 6–8). D: Body mass (g) ± SD of Ldah WT (black squares) and KO (gray squares) animals on 22-week HFD. Values are means (n = 6–9). E: Body composition (g or %) ± SEM of Ldah WT (black bars) and KO (gray bars) animals on 22-week HFD. Values are means (n = 6–9). F, G: Lipid composition of livers after 22 weeks on HFD is not affected by loss of LDAH. F: CEs and TGs in liver lysates separated by TLC and stained by cerium molybdate as described [Krahmer et al., 2011 (34)]. G: Fold-change of lipid classes ± SD in Ldah KO versus WT animals determined by MS. Values are means (n = 4).