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. 2017 Jan 13;12(1):e0169604. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169604

Table 1. Summary Results of Interventions Assessing the Effects of Teamwork Training on Teamwork.

Study Relative Weight Effect Size (SE) 95% CI (lower, upper) Z-value p-value ES with intervetion removed
Aaron 2014 [13] a 2.43 1.432 (.35) .74, 2.13 4.04 < .001 0.67
                b 2.48 .869 (.33) .22, 1.52 2.61 .009 0.68
Becker 2005 [40] 2.75 .635 (.21) .22, 1.05 3.02 .003 0.69
Beck-Jones 2004 [41] a 2.70 -.030 (.24) -.50, .44 -0.13 .898 0.70
                     b 2.69 -.003 (.24) -.47, .47 -0.01 .990 0.70
Beranek 2005 [42] 2.67 .649 (.25) .16, 1.13 2.62 .009 0.68
Bjornberg 2014 [9] 2.83 .080 (.16) -.23, .39 0.50 .615 0.69
Brannick 2005 [5] 2.72 1.229 (.23) .79, 1.67 5.47 < .001 0.69
Bushe 1995 [43] a 2.53 .405 (.31) -.20, 1.01 1.31 .192 0.69
                b 2.53 .534 (.31) -.08, 1.14 1.71 .086 0.69
Cheater 2005 [12] 2.82 .336 (.17) .00, .67 1.97 .049 0.69
Clay-Willaims 2013 [44] a 2.04 .531 (.51) -.46, 1.53 1.05 .296 0.69
                        b 2.06 -.213 (.50) -1.20, .77 -0.43 .671 0.70
                        c 2.12 0.000 (.48) -.94, .94 0.00 1.00 0.70
Dalenberg 2009 [45] 2.82 1.001 (.17) .68, 1.33 6.02 < .001 0.67
Deneckere 2013 [46] 2.92 .129 (.09) -.04, .29 1.52 .129 0.70
Dibble 2010 [47] 2.92 -.242 (.09) -.42, -.07 -2.72 .007 0.71
Eden 1986 [48] 2.92 .427 (.09) .07, .42 2.73 .006 0.70
Ellis 2005 [14] 2.88 .792 (.13) .54, 1.05 6.14 < .001 0.68
Emmert 2011 [49] 2.54 .763 (.31) .16, 1.36 2.48 .013 0.68
Entin 1999 [50] 2.32 .771 (.40) -.01, 1.55 1.93 .054 0.68
Friedlander 1967 [51] 2.72 .495 (.22) .06, .94 2.21 .027 0.69
Green 1994 [52] a 1.91 .665 (.56) -.44, 1.76 1.19 .236 0.68
               b 1.87 1.058 (.58) -.08, 2.20 1.82 .069 0.68
Jankouskas 2010 [7] 2.22 .778 (.44) -.08, 1.64 1.77 .077 0.68
Kim 2014 [53] 2.65 .062 (.26) -.45, .57 0.24 .813 0.70
Marshall 2009 [22]* 2.70 3.277 (.33) 2.65, 3.95 9.90 < .001 0.61
Martinez-Moreno 2015 [54] 2.86 .503 (.14) .23, .78 3.63 < .001 0.69
Morey 2002 [3]* 2.93 1.896 (.08) 1.75, 2.05 24.83 < .001 0.64
O’Leary 2011 [21] 2.82 .426 (.17) .10, .76 2.54 .011 0.69
Padmo Putri 2012 [6] 2.82 -.097 (.17) -.42, .23 -0.58 .561 0.71
Prichard 2007 [55] 2.40 1.981 (.37) 1.26, 2.70 5.381 < .001 0.65
Rapp 2007 [56] 2.61 .535 (.28) -.01, 1.08 1.93 .053 0.69
Shapiro 2004 [57] 2.03 .689 (.52) -.32, 1.70 1.34 .181 0.68
Smith-Jentsch 2008 [4] 2.63 1.103 (.27) .58, 1.63 4.13 < .001 0.67
Thomas 2007 [58] 2.39 .891 (.37) .16, 1.62 2.40 .016 0.68
Volpe 1996 [59] 2.71 .450 (.23) .00, .90 1.97 .049 0.69
Weaver 2010 [60] 2.41 .580 (.36) -.13, 1.29 1.61 .109 0.69
Weller 2014 [61] 2.64 1.563 (.26) 1.05, 2.08 5.92 < .001 0.66
OVERALL 100 .683 (0.13) 0.43, 0.94 5.23 <0.001

Note. a, b, c = intervention groups within study; SE = standard error; CI = confidence interval; ES = effect size.

* = Study identified as an outlier and removed from subsequent moderator analyses.

The final column marked ‘ES with study removed’ indicates the results of the sensitivity analysis for each respective intervention.