(A) Experimental design used for monotonously-fed AMER-and CRON-colonized mice. Time points (days) for microbiota sampling are shown. (B,C) The first principal coordinates from PCoA plots of unweighted UniFrac (panel B) and weighted UniFrac (panel C) distances show initial community assembly in fecal microbiota of recipient mice. (D, E) PCoA plots of unweighted UniFrac (panel D) and weighted UniFrac (panel E) distances show the effects of experimental treatments on the phylogenetic structures of the various transplanted donor microbiota. Mean positions in PCoA space are shown for fecal samples collected from each mouse 15 to 56 days following gavage of the human donor’s microbiota. Points connected by yellow lines in both panels are from mice colonized by the same AMER donor, and points connected by blue lines are from the same CRON donor. Circle colors in panel D reflect donor DP, and mouse diet treatment in panel E. (F,G) CIV (panel F) and wCIV (panel G) values (mean ± SEM) in fecal microbiota harvested from each mouse 15 to 56 days after gavage.