(A) The genomic context of acrIIA1 (1) and its homolog from L. monocytogenes (orfD) are depicted to scale as cartoons with acrIIA1 homologs in vertical alignment. Typically, acrIIA genes are encoded within prophages adjacent to or near the phage lysin (ply) gene. Genomic neighbors of acrIIA1 and orfD (acrIIA1-4, orfA-E) are shown. Individual genes (***) were assayed for CRISPR-Cas9 inhibition in L. monocytogenes 10403s (see Figure 3 and Figure S3). Helix-turn-helix (HTH) and AP2 DNA binding motifs were detected in some proteins using hidden markov model (HMM) prediction software (Söding et al., 2005).
(B) Pie-graph representation of the frequency of each acrIIA gene co-occurrences
(C) Pie-graph representation of the prevalence of acrIIA and cas9 genes in the L. monocytogenes pangenome. See Table S1 for relevant accession numbers.