Table 3.
Clinical characteristics of 177 patients who completed UPS-EP and chose a preferred dialysis modality: PD or HD
UPS patients who completed education and chose dialysis modality (n = 177) | PD (n = 103) | HD (n = 74) | P value | |
Age, years | 67 (38-85) | 71 (36-86) | 64 (4-82) | 0.09 |
Sex, M/F, % | 69 / 31 | 66 / 34 | 73 / 27 | 0.41 |
eGFR, ml/min /1.73 m2 BSA | 7 [4–16] | 7 [4–19] | 7 [3–12] | 0.34 |
Charlson comorbidity index, CCI | 6 [2–10] | 7 [2–10] | 5 [3–9] | 0.01 |
Comorbidities, % | ||||
Congestive heart failure Myocardial infarct Peripheral vascular disease |
41 29 18 14 |
45 39 22 17 |
35 16 11 9 |
0.22 <0.01 0.07 0.19 |
Primary renal diseasea, % | ||||
Chronic renal failure, etiology unknown
Glomerulonephritis Renal vascular disease Diabetic nephropathy Otherb |
12 20 18 23 27 |
12 28 17 23 20 |
12 17 20 22 29 |
0.32 |
Patients source, % | ||||
In-patient admission
Out-patient referral |
68 32 |
74 26 |
59 41 |
0.05 |
Referral, % | ||||
Primary care
Other hospital specialty Missing/unknown |
59 40 1 |
65 34 1 |
51 49 0 |
0.09 |
Hospitalization for the unplanned start, % | 89 | 87 | 91 | 0.51 |
Countries, % | ||||
United Kingdom
Germany Denmark Sweden Austria France |
33 40 10 6 3 8 |
28 48 13 7 1 3 |
41 27 7 5 5 15 |
<0.01 |
Values are expressed as median (10-90 percentiles) or percentage. CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate. Significant differences are marked in bold (p < 0.05)
aCause of renal disease
bPyelonephritis, interstitial nephropathy, cystic kidney disease, inherited renal disease, renal hypoplasia, multisystem renal disease, myeloma, amyloid, other renal disease