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. 2017 Jan 12;5:e2880. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2880

Table 2. A comprehensive list of ASD data resources.

URL Resource Data type category Data type Number of participants with ASD National Database for Autism Research (NDAR)a Phenotypic, neuroimaging, genetic, omics Phenotypic, neuroimaging, genetic, omics data Over 80,203 participants (however this number includes the control participants of the ASD studies). Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)a Phenotypic, neuroimaging, genetic Phenotypic data, biospecimens, genetic data, neuroimaging data, participant recruitment (to recruit SSC families for additional studies) Over 3,000 participants (SSC), over 200 participants (Simons VIP), 50,000b participants (SPARK). Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE)a Phenotypic, genetic, biospecimens Phenotypic data; genetic data, biospecimens Over 1,700 families with over 3,300 ASD participants. Interactive Autism Network (IAN)a ASD participant recruitment services Phenotypic data, ASD participant recruitment services Over 17,000 participants. Autism Spectrum Database-UK (ASD-UK)a ASD participant recruitment services Phenotypic data, ASD participant recruitment services Over 3,000 families. Autism BrainNet BioBank Postmortem brain and related biospecimens Over 25 donations (since 2014).b Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) Neuroimaging Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (R-fMRI), structural MRI, phenotypic data 539 participants (ABIDE I), 487 participants (ABIDE II).
Australian EEG Database (AED)c Neuroimaging EEG data 50 participants.d BrainMape Human brain statistical maps fMRI, PET, and structural coordinate-based results (x,y,z) in Talairach or MNI space 70 results/articles relevant to ASD functional data (search using BrainMapWeb). NeuroVault Human brain statistical maps Unthresholded statistical maps, parcellations, and atlases produced by MRI and PET studies Five studies: 277, 60, 50, 13, 218 participants in each study. USC Multimodal Connectivity Database Brain connectivity matrices Brain connectivity matrices of fMRI and DTI 42 (fMRI) participants, 51 (DTI) participants. Dryad General data repository lncRNA, MRI, metabolite, MEG Four studies: two, 34, 12, and 13 participants respectively. FigSharee General data repository Phenotypic, statistical, genetic data NIMH Repository and Genomics Resource (NIMH-RGR) Biospecimens, genetic Biospecimens (DNA samples and cell lines, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) and Source Cells), GWAS, genomic sequences Biospecimens: 4,793 families and 19,359 individuals of which 17,189 have DNA cell lines. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Data: four studies (1,232 cases, 739 families, 943 families, 935 families). Sequence data (exome): 2,119 cases. Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) Phenotypic, clinical, biospecimens, genetic Phenotypic, clinical, biospecimens, genetic (including GWAS, SNPs, VNTRs, in addition to sequence data from UK10K project available via EGA), ALPAC data linked with data (e.g., routine health and social records) from external sources, bespoke dataf 96 participants (as identified via follow up questionnaires completed by carers for when the proband was nine years old). Coriell BioRepositories (including Autism Research Resource) BioBank Cell cultures, DNA samples, and induced pluripotent stem cells 158 ASD cases. NIH NeuroBioBank (NBB) BioBank Postmortem brain and related biospecimens 64 ASD cases. 22 ASD suspected. Medical Research Council London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank BioBank Postmortem brain and spinal cord tissue Four ASD cases.



Data-type is described in more detail in File S1.


The data is not yet available: It is intended to be available in a future date according to the SFARI website.


There is no website or portal for the AED resource; however, the data is available via email requests to


The approximate number of ASD participants was found via email correspondence with


Accurate information regarding the approximate number of participants with ASD is not readily available on the website, due to the nature of the search functionality.


Data specifically from ASD participants are not necessarily available in all the different data types described in this table (therefore further specific enquiries directed to the ALSPAC team is advised).