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. 2017 Jan 14;15:21. doi: 10.1186/s12957-016-1085-0

Table 1.

Clinical data of 39 atlantoaxil metastases treated surgically in this study

Case Age/sex Primary tumor Growth Symptom Level Operation Complication Adjuvant therapy Frankel Follow-up (mos)
Approach Resection Reconstruction Pre-operation Post-operation Survival status
1 55/F Lung Rapid Pain C1 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None C R E/E 5 Death
2 55/M Lung Rapid Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None C D/E 33 Death
3 65/M Lung Rapid Pain C2–3 HCA + P Subtotal OPCF None R E/E 7 Death
4 51/M Lung Rapid Pain C1–3 P Subtotal OPCF None R + C D/E 10 Death
5 70/M Lung Rapid Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 13 Death
6 60/F Lung Rapid Pain C1 P Piecemeal OPCF None C R E/E 29 Alive
7 62/M Lung Rapid Pain, dysphagia C1 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R + C E/E 12 Death
8 46/M Lung Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF Wound dehiscence dysphagia dysphonia R + C D/E 24 Death
9 42/M Lung Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None C R E/E 18 Death
10 45/M Lung Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None E/E 6 Death
11 60/F Lung Rapid Pain C2–3 HCA Piecemeal BCT None E/E 9 Death
12 62/F Lung Rapid Pain C2–3 P Piecemeal C1–4 None C E/E 19 Alive
13 50/M Lung Rapid Pain C2,4 P Piecemeal C2–4 None C R E/E 6 Death
14 52/M Lung Rapid Pain C2–4 P Piecemeal C2–4 None C E/E 10 Alive
15 72/M Lung Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal BGT + C1–4 None E/E 17 Alive
16 61/M Nasopharyngeal Rapid Pain C1 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 71 Death
17 56/M Nasopharyngeal Rapid Pain C1–2 P Subtotal OPCF None R E/E 26 Death
18 63/M Nasopharyngeal Rapid Pain C1–3 P Subtotal OPCF None E/E 15 Alive
19 55/M Nasopharyngeal Rapid None C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 10 Death
20 27/M Hepatic Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 36 Alive
21 64/F Hepatic Rapid Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 39 Death
22 56/M Hepatic Rapid Pain, dysphagia C2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None D/D 3 Death
23 54/F Thyroid Slow Pain, numbness of the upper limbs C2–4 P Piecemeal C1–5 None R E/E 78 Alive
24 70/M Thyroid Slow Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal BGT + OPCF None D/E 12 Death
25 45/F Thyroid Slow Pain, dysphagia dysphonia C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R E/E 60 Death
26 45/M Renal Moderate Pain C1 P Piecemeal OPCF None C C E/E 13 Death
27 58/M Renal Moderate Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R R E/E 18 Death
28 59/M Renal Moderate Pain, numbness of the upper limbs C1–4 P + HCAa Subtotal OPCF None R + C R E/E 6 Death
29 60/M Osteosarcoma Rapid Weakness of the lower limbs C2–4 P Subtotal C2–5 Hematoma, wound dehiscence C/C 6 Death
30 8/M Osteosarcoma Rapid Pain C1–2 P Subtotal OPCF None C E/E 4 Death
31 37/M Osteosarcoma Rapid Pain, weakness of the upper limbs C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None C E/E 36 Death
32# 77/M Prostatic Slow Pain C2 HCA + P Piecemeal BCT + OPCF Died of airway obstruction D 0 Death
33 62/M Prostatic Slow Pain C1–2 P Piecemeal OPCF None R D/E 22 Death
34 51/F Breast Slow Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF Dysphagia, dysphonia R D/E 72 Death
35 49/F Breast Slow Pain C2–4 HCA + P Piecemeal BCT + C2–5 None R + C E/E 24 Alive
36 62/F Basaloma Slow Pain C2–3 HCA + P Piecemeal BGT + OPCF None R E/E 10 Alive
37 80/M Colon Moderate Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF Dyspnea E/E 10 Death
38 69/M Bladder Rapid Pain C2–3 HCA + P Piecemeal BCT + OPCF None D/D 3 Death
39 30/M Unknown Rapid Pain C1–2 HCA + P Piecemeal OPCF None R + C D/E 47 Death

HCA high anterior cervical approach, P posterior, OPCF occipitalcervical fusion, BCT bone cement and titanium, BGT bone graft and titanium, R radiotherapy, C chemotherapy

#Patient died of airway obstruction after operation

aThe posterior approach was conducted first