A. Western blot analysis was performed to detect the endogenous levels of TSC2 in Vector, WT_118 and H868R_07 stable lines using anti-TSC2 antibodies. B. Cycloheximide chase experiment was performed to monitor TSC2 degradation. Vector and H868R_07 stable cells were incubated with cycloheximide at 50 μg/ml for indicated times. After incubation, WCL was collected and western blotting was performed to detect the levels of TSC2 using anti-TSC2 antibody. C. Stably H868R_07 cells were treated with MG132 at 5 μM for 24h or left untreated. WCL was subjected to western blot analysis to observe the levels of TSC2 protein expression. D. COS7 cells were transiently co-transfected with plasmids encoding the indicated proteins. 48h post-transfection, Flag-tagged TSC2 and Myc-tagged proteins in WCL were detected by Western blotting using anti-Flag antibody and anti-Myc antibody, respectively. E. COS7 cells were transiently co-transfected with Vector or the indicated Myc-VPS34 constructs along with Flag-TSC2 and HA-Ubiquitin (HA-Ub). 48h post-transfection, Flag-tagged TSC2 was immunoprecipitated from WCL using an anti-Flag antibody. Ubiquitinated Flag-TSC2 was detected by anti-HA antibody and immunoprecipitated Flag-TSC2 was detected by anti-Flag antibody. Myc-tagged proteins in WCL were detected using anti-Myc antibody. F. NIH3T3 cells were transiently co-transfected with Vector or the indicated Myc-VPS34 constructs plus HA-Ubiquitin plasmid. 48h post-transfection, endogenous TSC2 was immunoprecipitated from WCL and ubiquitinated TSC2 was detected by Western blot using anti-HA antibody. The immunoprecipitated TSC2 was detected by Western blot using anti-TSC2 antibody for assessing TSC2 degradation. The protein levels of Myc-VPS34 proteins in the WCL were detected by Western blot using anti-Myc antibody. G. Expression of endogenous RheB was monitored in WCL of Vector, and WT_118 and H868R_07 cells, which were treated with rapamycin (10 nM) for 2 days or left untreated, by Western blot analysis using an anti-RheB antibody. H. RheB activation assay was performed to assess the levels of active RheB-GTP in Vector, WT_118 and H868R_07 cell clones. The RheB-GTP was detected by Western blot analysis using a rabbit polyclonal anti-RheB-GTP antibody. Quantitative analysis of RheB-GTP and actin was determined from three independent experiments and expressed as mean ± SEM (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01).