Table 1.
Summary of baseline characteristics for infants included in analysis
HIV-infected | HUU | ||||
Na | Median (IQR) or N (%) | Na | Median (IQR) or N (%) | P | |
Infant characteristics | |||||
Age at enrollment (months) | 73 | 3.7 (3.1, 4.0) | 92 | 1.6 (0.9, 2.1) | <0.0001 |
Male | 73 | 35 (48.0) | 92 | 53 (57.6) | 0.2 |
Birth weight (kg) | 68 | 3.1 (2.7, 3.4) | 92 | 3.2 (3.0, 3.5) | 0.02 |
Received PMTCT | 68 | 39 (57.4) | - | - | - |
Hemoglobin g/dL | 73 | 9.7 (9, 10.9) | 79 | 11.0 (10.2, 12.7) | <0.0001 |
Ever breastfed | 64 | 56 (87.2) | 89 | 89 (100) | 0.001b |
Infant clinical, immunologic, virologic, and growth status | |||||
Ever hospitalized | 73 | 38 (52.1) | 92 | 0 (0) | <0.001b |
WHO stage 3 or 4 | 73 | 30 (41.1) | - | - | - |
Plasma HIV RNA (log10 copies/mL) | 69 | 6.5 (6.0, 7.0) | - | - | - |
CD4% | 73 | 18 (14, 24) | 80 | 42 (35, 47) | <0.0001 |
CD4 count (cells/mL) | 73 | 1,311 (801, 1,760) | 80 | 2,515 (2,011, 3,244) | <0.0001 |
WAZ | 73 | −2.0 (−3.3, −0.9) | 92 | −0.2 (−1.0, 0.3) | <0.0001 |
HAZ | 73 | −1.9 (−3.0, −0.8) | 92 | −1.4 (−2.4, −0.4) | 0.04 |
WHZ | 73 | −0.6 (−1.6, 0.6) | 92 | 1.4 (0.2, 2.3) | <0.0001 |
HCZ | 73 | −0.5 (−1.3, 0.5) | 92 | 0.4 (−0.5, 1.1) | 0.0002 |
Primary caregiver characteristics | |||||
Biological mother | 73 | 71 (97.3) | 92 | 92 (100) | - |
Age (years) | 72 | 26 (22, 30) | 89 | 24 (22, 27) | 0.1 |
Married | 73 | 57 (78.1) | 91 | 80 (87.9) | 0.09 |
Education (years) | 66 | 9 (8, 11) | 90 | 9 (8, 12) | 0.3 |
One-room house | 73 | 56 (76.7) | 91 | 75 (82.4) | 0.4 |
Household monthly rent (KES) | 69 | 1,500 (1,000, 2,500) | 88 | 2,500 (2,000, 3,500) | <0.0001 |
Maternal CD4 count (cells/mm3) | 70 | 370 (246, 478) | - | - |
HUU HIV-unexposed uninfected, IQR interquartile range, PMTCT prevention of mother-to-child transmission, WHO World Health Organization, WAZ weight-for-age z-score, HAZ height-for-age z-score, WHZ weight-for-height z-score, HCZ head circumference-for-age z-score, KES Kenyan Shillings
aIncludes infants surviving, or remaining enrolled in the study long enough to define attainment of neck control
bFisher’s exact test