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. 2017 Jan 17;17:41. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1940-2

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical features of 90,281 patients at ART initiation in the Hlabisa and Right to Care cohorts in South Africa

Hlabisa Cohorta RTC Cohortb
(n = 21,766) (n = 69,283)
Gender % male 7421 (34.1%) 25902 (37.4%)
Age at initiation (years) <18 2092 (9.6%) 3390 (4.9%)
18-29 6369 (29.3%) 15470 (22.3%)
30-39 7294 (33.5%) 28286 (40.8%)
40-49 3880 (17.8%) 15334 (22.1%)
> = 50 2125 (9.8%) 6803 (9.8%)
Median (IQR) 33 (26, 41) 35 (29, 42)
CD4 count (cells/mm3) at initiation 0-49 3282 (16.1%) 15228 (22.0%)
50-99 3220 (15.8%) 10699 (15.4%)
100-199 7567 (37.0%) 19795 (28.6%)
200-349 4818 (23.6%) 11346 (16.4%)
> = 350 1540 (7.5%) 4178 (6.0%)
Missing 1339 (6.2%) 8037 (11.6%)
Median (IQR) 152 (78, 226) 123 (50, 201)
Year of ART initiation 2005 n/a 2975 (4.3%)
2006 n/a 5339 (7.7%)
2007 1963 (9.0%) 6530 (9.4%)
2008 3467 (15.9%) 8612 (12.4%)
2009 3223 (14.8%) 10546 (15.2%)
2010 3723 (17.1%) 11036 (15.9%)
2011 4607 (21.2%) 8325 (12.0%)
2012 4783 (22.0%) 6744 (9.7%)
2013 n/a 5457 (7.9%)
2014 n/a 3719 (5.4%)

aHlabisa Cohort includes all HIV patients with a first CD4 count in care between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2012 at 17 clinics and one sub-district hospital in Hlabisa, KwaZulu-Natal. Data in this table are restricted to patients who initiated ART. Hlabisa Cohort also includes patients who presented for care but never initiated ART. Total sample size in the Hlabisa Cohort was 57,401 of whom 21,766 initiated ART

bRTC Cohort includes all patients who initiated ART between 1 Jan 2005 and 31 December 2014 at 8 sites supported by Right to Care in Gauteng Province