Figure 5.
Altered ratio of synaptic/extrasynaptic α5 GABAAR disrupts spine maturation. Neurons were transfected with α5WT, α5α4GBD, or α5α2GBD, then fixed and stained under permeabilized conditions with anti-GFP and anti-MAP-2 antibodies. High magnification confocal z-series through dendritic regions were obtained, and 3D reconstructions were used to analyze spine length, density, and morphology. 3D reconstructions of confocal images from neurons expressing α5WT, α5α4GBD, or α5α2GBD at DIV 14 (A) and DIV 21 (E). (B) At DIV 14, neurons expressing α5α4GBD exhibited a significantly lower mushroom/filopodia spine ratio compared to either α5WT or α5α2GBD (for B–H, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; number of spines examined: α5WT 394, α5α4GBD 311, α5α2GBD 358). (C) Neurons expressing α5α4GBD exhibited significantly fewer mushroom spines per 10 μm compared to either α5WT or α5α2GBD. (F) At DIV 21, neurons expressing α5α4GBD exhibited a significantly lower mushroom/filopodia spine ratio compared to α5WT (number of spines examined: α5WT 474, α5α4GBD 453, α5α2GBD 455). (G) Neurons expressing α5α4GBD exhibited significantly fewer mushroom spines per 10 μm compared to α5WT. There was no significant difference between the number of filopodia spines per 10 μm between constructs at DIV 14 (D) or at DIV 21 (H).