Model for character evolution in dinoflagellates. Ancestral character states (filled circles) of conserved traits are reconstructed on the consensus phylogeny of dinoflagellates and their relatives by parsimony (arrowheads). Dotted branches in the thecate lineages indicate uncertain placement. Gaps indicate missing data, and “not applicable” denotes plastid genome absence or the presence of a different plastid genome type (Kareniaceae). The vertical square bracket indicates an evolutionary range in which traits emerged. Photos of dinoflagellates (by G. S. Gavelis), left to right: Kofoidinium sp. (Noctilucales), Nematodinium sp. (Gymnodiniaceae s.s.), Neoceratium praelongum (Gonyaulacales), Dinophysis miles (Dinophysiales), and Heterocapsa sp. (Peridiniales).