Fig 5. Binding of transgenically expressed TEP1 to ookinetes.
TEP1 antibody staining (red) of dissected midguts 24 h after infection with GFP-expressing P. berghei. Shown are wild type mosquitoes expressing the TEP1s allele (TEP1s), wild type L3-5 mosquitoes expressing the TEP1r allele (TEP1r), mosquitoes transgenically expressing TEP1r in a wild type TEP1s background (TEP1s;Vg-TEP1r), mutant TEP1 mosquitoes (TEP1ΔT), and mutant mosquitoes transgenically expressing TEP1r (TEP1ΔT;Vg-TEP1r). Ookinetes express GFP (green) and nuclei are stained with Dapi (blue). Images are stacks of confocal z-sections, scale bar = 20 μm