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. 2016 Sep;10(3):154–162.

Table 1.

Characteristics of participants

Number of Participants n = 896
Age (years) Mean ± SD
29.84 ± 6.64
Gestational Age (years) Mean ± SD
32.04 ± 8.83
Education Number (%)
     Illiterate (%) 156 (18.5 %)
     Lower diploma 605(71.6%)
     University (%) 84 (9.9%)
     No response (%) 51 (-)
Job n (%)
     House Wife 779 (88.9%)
     Worker 75 (8.6%)
     Student 9 (1.0%)
     Other 13 (1.5%)
     No response 20 (-)
Nationality n (%)
     Iranian (%) 863 (96.7%)
Afghan (%) 24 (2.7%)
Other (%) 5 (0.6 %)
No response (%) 4 (-)