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. 2017 Jan 17;8(1):e01121-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01121-16


Experimental design showing the conditions and time points at which sand fly midgut pools were collected for sequencinga

Condition No. of midguts × no. of samples at indicated day postinfection
0 1 3 6 9 12b
Sucrose fed 20 × 3c 20 × 3 20 × 3
Blood fed 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 2
L. infantum infected 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 3 20 × 2

Each cell of the table indicates the number of midguts collected under that condition at that time × the number of replicate samples taken. The full table indicates the design for each one of the three independent experiments. All replicate samples were sequenced individually, resulting in 9 sequences per condition at all time points but day 12.


Limited by survival/availability, two of three independent experiments included day 12 samples. For the blood-fed condition, two replicates per experiment were collected; for the infected-blood-fed condition, one and two replicates, respectively, were collected in the two experiments.


Twenty midguts were pooled into three independent biological replicates per time point for each condition.