Table 3. Three large ME biochemical network models TMA_ME, GlcAerWT, GlcAlift11,15,27.
ME model | Step | Objective | Pinf | Dinf |
TMA_ME | D | 8.3789966820e − 07 | −06 | −05 |
Q1 | 8.7036315385e − 07 | −25 | −32 | |
Q2 | 8.7036315385e − 07 | — | −32 | |
GlcAerWT | D | −6.7687059922e + 05 | −04 | +00 |
Q1 | −7.0382449681e + 05 | −07 | −26 | |
Q2 | −7.0382449681e + 05 | −21 | −22 | |
GlcAlift | D | −5.3319574961e + 05 | −03 | −01 |
Q1 | −7.0434008750e + 05 | −08 | −22 | |
Q2 | −7.0434008750e + 05 | −18 | −23 |
Optimal objective value of each step, Pinf and Dinf = final maximum primal and dual infeasibilities (log10 values tabulated, except – means 0). Bold figures show the final (step Q2) Pinf and Dinf.