Figure 3. Imaging HER2+ tumor FFPE sections with 3D SMLM.
(A) Reconstructed 3D SMLM images of FFPE sections immunostained for HER2 (top), TOM-20 (middle), and Lamin-B1 (bottom) with Z-positions of the molecules color coded. (B) Slice views of 3D SMLM images of HER2 (top), TOM-20 (middle), and Lamin-B1 (bottom) in 200 nm increments are demonstrated where each slice represents the projections of all localization events within 20 nm relative to the z-plane. All images were collected on 2 μm sections. (C) Volumetric rendering of the boxed areas in B are shown. Scale bars as follows: 10 μm (A), 2 μm (B, top and bottom), 1 μm (B, middle).