Changes in keratocyte gene expression within hCSSC and hCF in 3D culture at 9 weeks in comparison to culture on single silk films relative to hCSSC and hCF at day 0. At each time point, RNA was extracted and reverse-transcribed for RT-qPCR. RNA expression of each gene was first normalized against an endogenous reference gene (18S) and then related to the normalized expression level of the target gene at day 0 per each cell type. Keratocan, lumican, PDK4, PTDGS, and ALDH3A1 were significantly up-regulated for 3D hCSSC, suggesting the enhanced keratocytic phenotype in 3D cultures in comparison to 2D culture and hCF. * Significant effect of cell type (p<0.05); * significant effect of culture (p<0.05).